An annual platform for transport and logistics industry professionals, cargo owners and leading experts from Russia, Iran, India, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and other foreign countries. The most up-to-date information, live discussions and practical recommendations on key issues of the transport and logistics ecosystem and the cargo base of the Caspian macro-region and international transport corridors of Greater Eurasia.

The forum program includes presentations by professionals from specialized industries: representatives of business, leading Russian and international associations and unions, representatives of federal and regional government bodies.
Guests are offered a unique program, including a buffet, banquet and cultural events.

Ports and terminals, stevedoring and logistics companies, forwarders and cargo owners, grain traders, shipowners and shipbuilders, financial and investment structures, non-profit organisations and special economic zones, federal and regional government management.

The business program of the forum presents key topics on the development of the Caspian macroregion and trans-Caspian international corridors in the new global context
The forum program includes reports from industry professionals: representatives of Russian and foreign businesses, leading companies with state participation, SEZs of the Caspian countries, specialized organizations and representatives of government.


In addition to the business program, Forum participants are offered cultural events, themed excursions and other unique activities.



The forum is attended by delegates and speakers from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Iran, India and China



The schedule of the forum includes lunches and regular coffee breaks for comfortable business communication.And the forum will end with a grand party with a panoramic view of the evening city, chef's dishes and an entertainment program.
  • "...The success of the project will bring tangible benefits to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are part of almost all federal districts. The implementation of the North-South ITC is in the constant attention of the Federation Council, which represents the interests of Russian regions. Taking into account current challenges and new opportunities, events such as the International Forum “Transport Logistics of the Caspian Region”, bringing together industry leaders, experts, representatives of business associations, government bodies, international organizations, are in maximum demand for establishing direct contacts and substantive discussion of practical initiatives.”
    Read more
    Yatskin Andrey Vladimirovich
    First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • “...Carrying out events dedicated to the development of the transport and logistics sector in the Caspian Sea becomes an effective platform for lively dialogue among all participants in the sector, and also makes a practical contribution to the further development of the industry and serves to strengthen trade and economic relations between regions. Highly appreciating the significance of the event, I wish you successful work, new ideas and their implementation."
    Read more

    Volvach Dmitry Valerievich

    Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  • "The full launch of the North-South ITC, connecting many regions of Russia with the rapidly developing countries of Asia and Africa via the Volga, the Caspian Sea, Iran and the Persian Gulf, will make it possible to remove the restrictions associated with the Black Sea and many traditional land routes, will give a powerful impetus to the trade and economic development of Eurasia. All fundamental decisions have been made, Russian business needs to find a worthy place in the big work, to be involved in the fruitful implementation of the project of the 21st century!"
    Read more

    Aksakov Anatoly Gennadievich

    Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market
  • “ of the main objectives of the International Forum “Transport Logistics of the Caspian Region” is the development of direct connections and business contacts of entrepreneurs, experts, representatives of government bodies and international organizations of the region, which has important transport, logistics, economic and geopolitical significance...”
    Read more
    Tsyganov Andrey Gennadievich
    Deputy Head
    Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia)
  • "The Forum will serve to form new mechanisms of international economic cooperation, which are based on respect for national characteristics, commonality of mutually beneficial interests and will make it possible to realize the current competitive advantages of the Caspian integration space.”
    Read more

    Glazyev Sergey Yurievich

    Member of the Board (Minister) for Integration and Macroeconomics
    Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC)
  • "I am confident that the progressive and innovative ideas expressed by the forum participants will be used by all countries developing the North-South international transport corridor.”
    Your opinions, ideas and suggestions will definitely be taken into account by those responsible officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the further planning of their programs."
    Read more
    Kazem Jalali
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Russian Federation
  • “At all stages of development of the CIS, cooperation in the transport sector has been and continues to be a necessary condition and basis for the effectiveness of regional economic integration. At the same time, it is obvious that effectively solving the problems of creating a Eurasian transport network is possible only in the interaction of state development institutions and private partners.”
    Read more

    Nematov Ilkhom Tuychievich

    Deputy Secretary General of the CIS
  • “...we are confident that the Forum will serve to involve representatives of the business community and interested departments in productive interaction on issues of planning and operation of main international transport corridors passing both in the Caspian macroregion and in CIS, with an emphasis on increasing the competitiveness of enterprises of the Commonwealth countries in the Eurasian markets of transport services."
    Read more
    Ganin Vadim Valerievich
    General Director
    Business Center for Economic Development of the CIS
  • "An important feature of the Forum is its international status. Heads of government bodies, representatives of the business community, experts from the states of the Caspian region (Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan), as well as India, Asian countries interested in using the transport potential of the Caspian region regularly meet at its site.”
    Read more

    Isaev Alexander Sergeevich

    General Director
    Autonomous non-profit organization "Directorate of International Transport Corridors" (ANO "DMTK")
  • “The current stage of development of crop production, when a record volume of grain production has been achieved in Russia, has revealed a huge need for reliable, long-term and sustainable mechanisms for interaction between grain producers, participants in the transport and logistics industry, exporters and consumers in friendly countries of Eurasia.”
    Read more

    Chekmarev Petr Alexandrovich

    Deputy President
    Russian Academy of Sciences
    Academician RAS

    Committee of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the development of the agro-industrial complex
  • “It is in cooperation and cooperation, interaction of transport and economic operators, federal and regional authorities with the support of industry science that we see the shortest path to the result that our consumers expect from us.”
    Read more

    Bessonov Gennady Ivanovich

    Secretary General
    International Coordination Council for Trans-Eurasian Transport (CCTT)


  • The Caspian region is the main transport crossroads of Greater Eurasia

    Of particular importance for Russia is the Caspian transport hub and trans-Caspian international corridors in the new geopolitical conditions.

  • Export of agricultural products as a driver for the development of the Caspian transport and logistics hub and the North-South international transport corridor

    Agrilogistics is a testing ground for effective solutions for the entire transport and logistics industry. Problems of intersectoral cooperation

    in this area and the potential for cooperation between individual links in the chain “manufacturers-logistics-transport-consumers”.

  • International cooperation and integration open a window of opportunity

    for the development of transport and logistics business and business in related industries. Cross-border services in the field of customs clearance, insurance, banking as elements of seamless logistics and Eurasian integration.

  • National development programs

    transport corridors of the countries of the Caspian region

    and prospects for their integration

    The “Turn to the East” dictates a new configuration and modernization of transport and logistics infrastructure.

  • Financial sources

    for the development of transport and logistics infrastructure and business in the Caspian region. Financial instruments and digital solutions for investing, trade lending and insurance.

Analysis and planning
Caspian transport logistics in the context of transformation of world economic relations and expansion of BRICS+.

How to “ride the wave” and turn the potential of the cargo base into real cargo flow.

Competitiveness, technology, removal of barriers.
Caspian crossroads: advantages and features of transport corridors to the main markets of Eurasia and Africa. How to ensure real “seamlessness” of international routes.
Interaction of national transport systems, tariff policies and cross-border services in the field of customs clearance, insurance, banking and other related business sectors.
Export of agricultural products from Russia and the Caspian countries is a driver for the development of international transport corridors.

Agrilogistics as a testing ground for intersectoral interaction and cooperation within the global food security matrix.
Water transport of the Caspian and Volga basin.

State and prospects of the water transport market. Balance of tonnage and cargo traffic on the scale of the Caspian Basin and Volga.

Prospective structure of the fleet and sources of its replenishment. Innovations in technology, how to increase efficiency and reduce freight rates for the client.
Modernization of the port infrastructure of the Caspian and Volga.

The capillary network of small river ports is the key to new segments of the cargo base of water transport.

Terminals of Russian companies in ports and special economic zones of Iran and other Caspian countries: opportunities, limitations, risks.
Investments and finance
Sources of investment in infrastructure and transport development projects in the Caspian region.
Who can become an investor in the new economic realities? Key characteristics of the attractiveness of investment projects in the field of transport and logistics.

Financial instruments and digital solutions for investing, trade lending and insurance.
April 26-27, 2022, Astrakhan
April 26-27, 2023, Astrakhan
- Archive -
Below you can find information about past Forums.
The Forum is supported by leading federal and regional media, as well as official news and expert publications of the Caspian countries.

The Forum receives broad information support and a high citation index of theses by experts speaking as part of the Forum’s business program.
Registration of participants is carried out until April 21.

You can choose one of two participation options:

Participation in the tour (23.04)

Participation in the plenary part of the Conference (04/24)

Working materials

Coffee breaks, lunch

Participation in the evening show "After Party"
Стоимость участия:
Package «with after Party»
65 000 ₽*
one participant
60 000 ₽*
two or more
*Price per person
23-24 april
23-24 april
Participation in the tour (23.04)

Participation in the plenary part of the Conference (04/24)

Working materials

Coffee breaks, lunch

Participation in the evening show "After Party"
package «no after Party»
*Price per person
50 000 ₽*
one participant
45 000 ₽*
two or more
Стоимость участия:
The evening show "AFTER PARTY" is a grandiose party with a panoramic view of Astrakhan in honor of the end of the Forum 2025. Guests can enjoy a great time with great music, delicious food from the chef and a varied entertainment program.
Conditions of participation and registration:
(Click to read)
  • The number of seats on the tour is limited!
  • Please indicate your intention to participate in advance. A place in the group is secured after registration and payment of the registration fee!
  • Hotel accommodation and transfers are not included in the registration fee.
  • Replacement of delegates from one company is allowed at no additional cost.

The cost of participation is indicated for one participant, including all taxes.

Free participation is provided after confirmation of accreditation for representatives of federal and regional government authorities and media representatives.
Contacts for inquiry:
+7 (965) 201-10-01

Conditions for cancellation of registration and refund of funds paid:
If the registered delegate refuses to participate in the conferenceless than 1 month before the event, the registration fee will not be refunded. The request for cancellation of registration is accepted only in writing.


Leave a request to participate by filling out the form below.
We will be happy to answer your questions.
I am interested in participating as ...
By clicking on the button, you give  consent to the processing of your personal data.

Traditionally, the Forum is held in the best five-star hotel complex in the region on the embankment of the Volga River in the administrative and business center of the city - Marins Grand Hotel 5*

Astrahan', Kujbysheva Street, 69
Regarding participation as
business program speaker
Detailed information about the conditions for participation in the Forum as a delegate
or speaker, registration assistance
For registration as Media partner, government agencies, as well as partnership and sponsorship issues
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All rights reserved. Copying any site materials is possible only with written permission from the owners.
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